AFCAT vs EKT- Details Explained



AFCAT stands for Air Force Common Admission Test. It is an exam conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) to recruit eligible candidates into the Air Force. The recruitment is done in three branches- the Flying branch, Ground Duty (Technical) branch, and Ground Duty (Non-Technical) branch. Candidates who wish to get into the Ground Duty (Technical) branch need to appear for an additional exam called the AFCAT EKT (Engineering Knowledge Test) exam. In this article, we will establish the AFCAT vs EKT differences.

The main difference between AFCAT and EKT is that AFCAT is for all three branches of the Indian Air Force while EKT is only for the technical branch. Remember, that the AFCAT exam is common for both technical and non-technical branches. However, the two exams have different eligibility requirements as well as different examination patterns. Let us dive into these differences one point at a time.

Overview of Difference between AFCAT and EKT

Take a look at the main differences between AFCAT vs EKT exam.

Recruitment branchFlying branch
Ground Duty (Technical)
Ground Duty (Non-Technical) branch
Ground Duty (Technical)
Educational QualificationGraduation in any disciplineB.Tech
Age Limit20-24 years20-26 years
Maximum Marks300150
Duration2 hours45 minutes
SectionsGeneral Awareness, Verbal Ability, Reasoning, and Numerical Ability and Military Aptitude TestFundamental Engineering, Specialization Topics, and Allied Engineering
Negative Marking1 mark1 mark

Difference Between Eligibility of AFCAT and EKT

The eligibility criteria for an exam is the minimum requirement that has to be fulfilled by a candidate. Failure to satisfy the eligibility criteria results in disqualification. The importance of eligibility criteria is to make sure that candidates are fit for the role in terms of academic qualification, age, etc. What is difference between AFCAT and EKT eligibility criteria? Let us talk about them one by one.

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Age Limit

Aspirants of the flying branch have to be between 20 to 24 years of age. While aspirants of the Ground Duty branch must be between 20 to 26 years of age. This means that the age limit eligibility for the EKT exam is 20 to 26 years of age.

ExamAge Limit
AFCAT20-24 years (Flying branch)
EKT20 to 26 years 

Educational Qualification

The minimum educational requirements for the AFCAT and EKT exam are given as follows.

ExamMinimum educational qualification
AFCAT50% marks in Maths and Physics at 10+2, and
Minimum three years degree in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks or equivalent from a recognized University, or
A minimum of four years degree of BE/B.Tech with a minimum of 60% marks from a recognized University, or
A minimum of 60% marks in Section A and B exam of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers or Aeronautical Society of India from a recognized University
EKTA minimum of 50% mark in Maths and Physics at 10+2, and
Minimum four years of graduation/integrated post-graduation in Engineering/Technology from a recognized University, or
A minimum of 60% marks in Section A and B exam of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers or Aeronautical Society of India or Graduate membership exam of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers from a recognized University in the following streams:
Applied Electronics & Instrumentation
Communication Engineering
Computer Engineering/Technology
Computer Engineering & Application
Computer Science and Engineering/Technology
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics Engineering/ Technology
Electronics Science and Engineering Electronics
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electronics and Computer Science
Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering
Electronics and/or Telecommunication Engineering (Microwave)
Electronics and Computer Engineering
Electronics Communication and Instrumentation Engineering
Electronics Instrument & Control
Electronics Instrument & Control Engineering
Instrumentation & Control Engineering
Instrument & Control Engineering
Information Technology
Spacecraft Technology
Engineering Physics
Electric Power and Machinery Engineering
Infotech Engineering
Cyber Security

For the post of Aeronautical Engineer (Mechanical), the streams are as follows:
Aerospace Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering and Automation
Mechanical Engineering (Production)
Mechanical Engineering (Repair and Maintenance).Mechatronics
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Production and Industrial Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Aerospace and Applied Mechanics
Automotive Engineering
Rubber Technology and Rubber Engineering

Difference Between Exam Pattern of AFCAT and EKT

As mentioned above, candidates who apply for the technical posts, have to appear for the EKT exam. A candidate who qualifies the AFCAT exam but not the EKT exam will not get recruited for the technical posts. The exam pattern is as follows.

SectionGeneral Awareness, Verbal Ability, Reasoning, and Numerical Ability and Military Aptitude TestFundamental Engineering, Specialization Topics, and Allied Engineering
Duration2 hours45 minutes
Marks for each question33
Negative Marking11
Total marks300150

Thank you for reading this article. We hope this was informative. For any queries, kindly reach out to us.


Are EKT and AFCAT exams the same?

AFCAT is an exam conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) for recruitment in the branches of- the Flying Branch, Ground Duty (Technical) branch, and Ground Duty (Non-Technical) branch. Among these branches, the technical branch requires an additional exam called EKT.

Is EKT compulsory for AFCAT?

No, EKT is only for candidates who wish to join the technical branch of the Indian Air Force.

Will I be recruited if I clear the EKT exam but not the AFCAT exam?

No, in order to get recruited in the technical branch, both AFCAT and EKT are to be cleared.

Is EKT exam compulsory?

EKT is compulsory for aspirants for technical posts.

What is the duration of the AFCAT and EKT exams?

AFCAT is conducted for 2 hours while the EKT exam is conducted for 45 minutes.