BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis: Get Subject-wise Detailed Exam Analysis here!



The Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) brings a wonderful opportunity to candidates wanting to kickstart their career in the Government sector. The company conducts recruitment for the post of Management Trainee. The BDL Management Trainee Recruitment is conducted through a well-defined selection process that comprises written examination, and interview. With limited vacancy and stiff competition, it is important that candidates have a thorough preparation strategy to ace the examination. Hence we have compiled a BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis along with exam pattern, to help candidates plan an effective study schedule.

So go ahead and give our article a read!

BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis 2022: Important Points:

Exam Analysis is an important part of the preparation strategy. Hence we have compiled a list of important points to take note of that will help you understand the BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis better – 

  • The BDL Management Trainee selection process comprises of Written Examination, and Interview
  • The written examination comprises four subjects and has a weightage of 85%
  • The written examination is for a total of 150 marks.
  • The Interview round is to test the candidate’s overall knowledge regarding his chosen field and has a weightage of 15%
  • To get to the Interview round, candidates are required to score the minimum qualifying marks in the written test. 

Candidates can get the details of the AP Grama Sachivalayam salary and job profile here.

BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis 2022 

The Company is to kickstart the first phase of the  BDL Management Trainee Recruitment on 16th and 17th April 2022. As exam analysis is an important part of the preparation strategy our experts will be providing a detailed subject-wise analysis of the written test once it is duly conducted. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep a watch on this space to get an overview of the exam analysis

Candidates can check the steps to download the AP High Court Examiner Admit Card here 

BDL Management Trainee Exam Pattern 2022

Exam pattern is crucial to the preparation strategy, as it helps the candidates know about the subject-wise weightage. Hence we have provided below the BDL Management Trainee exam pattern for your ready reference – 

SubjectsMaximum QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
General Disciplines1001002 hours
Quantitative Aptitude2050
General English15
Total1501502 hours

Note – 

  • The questions will be in the form of a multiple-choice format.
  • 1 Mark will be awarded to each correct answer.

The candidate can check the steps to download the UPTET Result here.

BDL Management Trainee: Minimum Qualifying Marks

The second stage of the BDL Management Trainee recruitment is the Interview round. However, to get to this round, candidates are required to score the minimum qualifying marks in the written test. Hence, the category-wise minimum qualifying marks for this round are as follows- 

Category Cut-Off
UR & EWS60%

We hope that our article on BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis 2022, has been informative and helpful. As the written test is around the corner, we wish the candidates all the best for their exams!

BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis 2022 FAQs

When is the BDL Management Trainee Written Exam 2022 to be conducted?

The BDL Management Trainee written exam is to be conducted on 16th and 17th April 2022. 

 What is the BDL Management Trainee exam pattern 2022?

The BDL Management Trainee exam pattern comprises four subjects General Disciplines, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, and General English.

What is the duration of the  BDL Management Trainee Exam 2022?

The duration of the  BDL Management Trainee Exam 2022 is a total of 2 hours

How important it is to go through the BDL Management Trainee Exam Analysis?

n order to curate an effective study plan, it is extremely important to walk through the expected and previous years’ Exam Analysis.

What is the selection process for the   BDL Management Trainee Recruitment?

The selection process for the BDL Management Trainee Recruitment includes just a written test and interview.