CUET Books- Preparation Strategy, Books, and Exam Pattern



It is the time to begin with the preparation for the CUET exam. The first step is to research the study material. This step is made a little easier for you. We bring you the list of the best books for CUET preparation. Read this article and make no delay in getting started.

Read about ESIC UDC Recruitment here.

CUET Best Books for Preparation

Books are the primary source of information for any learner. When it comes to the preparation for a competitive exam, candidates look for the most reliable books. It is best to search CUET Books that have the latest information and objective question & answers. We will be discussing books for each subject. Before that, let us take a quick look at the CUET Exam Pattern.

CUET Exam Pattern

  • There will be four sections in the question paper.
  • The CUET Exam will consist of objective questions.
  • Each question shall carry one mark.
I A (Languages)13 Languages45 min for each language
I B (Languages)20 Languages45 min for each language
II (Domain)27 domain-specific subjects (Candidates can choose a maximum of 6 domains)45 min for each domain-specific subject
III (General Test)For an Undergraduate Program for which a General Test is used for selection60 min

CUET Books for English

High School English Grammar and CompositionWren and Martin
English Grammar in UseRaymond Murphy

CUET Books for Economics

Basic EconomicsDN Gujarati
International EconomicsDominick Salvatore
Mathematics for EconomicsSydaester and Hammonds

CUET Books for Mathematics

Test of ArithmeticArihant Publication
Elementary MathsDoroFeev Patapov
Complete MathematicsLucent Publication
Problems in Calculus of One variableIA Maron

CUET Books for Humanities and Social Sciences

Political ScienceND Arora
AP European HistoryTest Prep Books
Indian Economy: Performance and PoliciesUma, Kapila

CUET Books for Science

Objective BiologyDinesh
ABC ChemistryS.P Jauhar
Principles of BiochemistryLehninger
Physical Geology and Earth’s interiorG.B Mahapatra

CUET Exam Preparation Strategy

A solid preparation strategy is the secret of success. CUET Exam can be cleared if the candidates make a proper study plan. We have a few tips for you.

  • Study the CUET Exam pattern and Syllabus thoroughly. 
  • Review daily whatever you have covered so far.
  • Plan your schedule keeping your day to day activities in mind.
  • Practice with the help of CUET Previous Year Papers and Mock Tests.
  • Make sure to buy books of the latest edition.

This is all for the CUET Books. Also, read our article on IB ACIO Technical Recruitment here.


What are the best books for the subject of English?

Candidates can refer to books like High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren & Martin and English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy.

What is the last date to apply for the CUET Exam?

The last date to apply for the CUET Exam is 6th April 2022.

What are the best books for the subject of Mathematics?

For the subject of Mathematics, refer to books like Test of Arithmetic, Elementary Maths, Problems in Calculus of One variable, etc.

What is the CUET Exam Pattern?

CUET Exam will consist of four sections. Questions asked will be objective in nature.

What are the best books for the subject of Economics?

Candidates can refer to books like International Economics and Basic Economics for Economics.