Nano Quest Quiz Answers – Check out all The Correct Answers Right Here!



Nano Quest quiz answers: The quiz’s goal is to raise public awareness about the benefits, applications, and manufacturing of Nano urea. Based on preliminary experiment trials conducted at several ICAR research institutes and state agricultural universities on various crops such as paddy, wheat, mustard, maize, tomato, cabbage, cucumber, capsicum, onion, and so on, IFFCO’s nano nitrogen (Nano Urea) has been provisionally included in the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985. Nano-urea sprays on various crops produced yields comparable to those obtained with fully advised fertiliser dosages with less nitrogen top-dressed.

Nano fertilisers have a lot of potential for use in plant nutrition because of their size-dependent characteristics, high surface-to-volume ratio, and distinctive optical properties—increased nutrient utilisation efficiency results from the regulated release of nutrients by nano fertilisers.

Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO) has established the world’s first manufacturing facility with a capacity of 1,50,000 bottles per day (500-ml size) of Nano Urea (liquid) fertilisers at its Kalol site in Gujarat. The commercial production began on August 1, 2021.

The quiz is being hosted by the Department of Chemical and Fertilizers in order to educate people about the benefits of Nano Urea Technology. Check out the article below for the nano quest quiz answers.

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MyGov Nano Quest Quiz Answers- Overview

Below is given the Nano Quest Quiz Answers Overview 2022:

Quiz NameNano Quest Quiz
Mode of languageEnglish & Hindi
Start date16th January, 2022
End Date14th February, 2022
Number of question asked10
Time alloted300 seconds
RewardsFirst prize: INR 10,000/-

Second prize: INR 5,000/-

Third prize: INR 2,500/-

Next 5 Consolation prize: INR 500/- each

Quiz link

Nano Quest Quiz Answers

Check out all the Nano Quest Quiz answers to prepare yourself for the Nano Quest Quiz 2022:

Q1. Normally what is the particle size of nano urea?/ सामान्यतः नैनो यूरिया का कण साइज क्या होता है?

  •  20-50
  •  50-100
  •  100-120
  •  120-150

Answer – 20-50

Q2. Nano Urea contains nitrogen in which form?/ नैनो यूरिया में नाइट्रोजन किस रूप में होता है?

  •  Amide & Ammoniacal/एमाइड और अमोनियाकल
  •  Nitrate & Ammoniacal/नाइट्रेट और अमोनियाकल
  •  Amide and Nitrate/एमाइड और नाइट्रेट
  •  Ammoniacal/ अमोनियम

Q3. What is the pH range of Nano Urea Liquid?/ नैनो यूरिया लिक्विड की पीएच रेंज क्या है?

  •  4.5-6.0
  •  5.0-6.0
  •  4.0-6.0
  •  5.5-6.5

Answer- 4.5-6.0

Q4. First time Nano Urea was exported to which country?/ नैनो यूरिया का पहली बार निर्यात किस देश को किया गया?

  •  Nepal/नेपाल
  •  SriLanka/श्रीलंका
  •  Maldives/ मालदीव
  •  Indonesia/इंडोनेशिया

Q5. Where is the 1st Nano Urea Manufacturing plant situated in India?/भारत में पहला नैनो यूरिया विनिर्माण संयंत्र कहाँ स्थित है?

  •  Ahmedabad, Gujarat/अहमदाबाद, गुजरात
  •  Kandla, Gujarat/कांडला, गुजरात
  •  Kalol, Gujarat/कलोल, गुजरात
  •  Gandhinagar, Gujarat/गांधीनगर, गुजरात

Answer- Kalol, Gujarat/कलोल, गुजरात

Q6. What is the price of Nano Urea (liquid)?/नैनो यूरिया (लिक्विड) की कीमत क्या है?

  •  Rs. 225/- per bottle /रु. 225/- प्रति बोतल
  •  Rs. 250/- 500 ml Bottle/रु. 250/- 500 एमएल बोतल
  •  Rs. 275/- 500 ml Bottle/रु. 275/- 500 एमएल बोतल
  •  Rs. 300/- 500 ml Bottle/रु. 300/- 500 मिली बोतल

Answer- Rs. 225/- per bottle /रु. 225/- प्रति बोतल

Q7. What is the efficiency of Nano Urea Liquid?/ नैनो यूरिया लिक्विड की दक्षता क्या है?

  •  >85 %
  •  > 90 %
  •  >70 %
  •  > 60 %

Q8. In which crop nano urea can be applied?/नैनो यूरिया किस फसल में लगाया जा सकता है ?

  •  All type of crops/सभी प्रकार की फसलें
  •  Commercial crops/वाणिज्यिक फसलें
  •  Kitchengarden/किचन गार्डन
  •  Horticulture crops/बागवानी फसलें

Answer- All type of crops/सभी प्रकार की फसलें

Q9. What are the Benefits of Nano Urea?/नैनो यूरिया के क्या फायदे हैं?

  •  Enhancement of crop yield/ फसल की उपज में वृद्धि
  •  Reduced the chemical fertilizers application/ रासायनिक खाद का प्रयोग कम करना
  •  Reduced the farming cost/ खेती की लागत में कमी
  •  All of these/ उपरोक्त सभी

Answer- All of these/ उपरोक्त सभी

Q10. What are the benefits of Nano Urea (liquid) ?/नैनो यूरिया (लिक्विड) के क्या लाभ हैं?

  •  Fulfill Potash requirement of crops./फसलों की पोटाश की आवश्यकता को पूरा करता है
  •  Fulfill Phosphorus requirement of crops./फसलों की फास्फोरस की आवश्यकता को पूरा करना
  •  Fulfill Nitrogen requirement of crops./फसलों की नाइट्रोजन की आवश्यकता को पूरा करना
  •  Fulfill Calcium requirement of crops./फसलों की कैल्शियम की आवश्यकता को पूरा करना

Nano Quest Quiz Answers Terms and Conditions

The MyGov Nano Quest Quiz terms and conditions are listed below.

  1. Participation is open to all citizens.
  2. This is a timed quiz in which you must answer 10 questions in 300 seconds.
  3. When the participant clicks the ‘Start Quiz’ button, the quiz will begin.
  4. Participants must supply their full name, email address, phone number, and mailing address. By submitting your contact information, you agree that your information may be used for the quiz.
  5. An entry cannot be withdrawn once it has been submitted.
  6. An entrant may only participate once.
  7. The organisers reserve the right to change or cancel the quiz at any time due to unforeseen circumstances. This includes the right to amend these terms and conditions in the event of ambiguity.
  8. The participant will follow all of the rules and regulations of the quiz.
  9. The organisers reserve the right to disqualify or refuse participation of any participant if they believe their participation or association with any participant is detrimental to the quiz, the organisers, or any competition partners. If the information received by the organisers is illegible, incomplete, damaged, false, or erroneous, the registrations will be void.
  10. The quiz’s decision will be final and binding on the organisers. No correspondence will be accepted in this regard.
  11. The laws of India and its territories govern these terms and conditions.
  12. By taking the quiz, the participant accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions stated above.
  13. The awards would be divided among the winners if there were joint winners.

Hope you found this article on the MyGov Nano Quest Quiz questions and answers helpful.