International Mother Language Day Speech – Check Out 10 Lines, Short & Long Speech!



International Mother Language Day Speech: International Mother Language Day is a day designated by the United Nations to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as to raise awareness of the importance of preserving and promoting mother languages. Celebrated annually on February 21st, the day is a tribute to the Language Movement martyrs who sacrificed their lives on this day in 1952 in Bangladesh, while fighting for the recognition of their mother tongue, Bangla, as an official language. The day aims to promote multilingualism, cultural harmony and diversity, and to encourage people to use and preserve their mother languages. In this article, we have discussed 10 lines on International Mother Language Day, short and long International Mother Language Day speeches.

10 Lines on International Mother Language Day

Through the following points, we have provided 10 lines on International Mother Language Day. Check them out now.

  1. International Mother Language Day is celebrated annually on February 21st.
  2. The day was designated by the United Nations in 1999 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity.
  3. It commemorates the Language Movement martyrs who sacrificed their lives in 1952 in Bangladesh.
  4. The martyrs were fighting for the recognition of Bangla as an official language.
  5. The day serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and promoting mother languages.
  6. It aims to raise awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as multilingualism.
  7. The day is celebrated around the world with various cultural activities and events.
  8. Its objective is to encourage people to use and preserve their mother languages.
  9. The theme for International Mother Language Day 2023 is “Linguistic Diversity for Sustainable Development”.
  10. Celebrating mother languages is essential for cultural harmony, social inclusion and sustainable development.

Short International Mother Language Day Speech

Let us have a look at the short International Mother Language Day speech provided here.

Dear all,

It is my pleasure to speak to you today on the occasion of International Mother Language Day. This day is a reminder of the importance of preserving and promoting mother languages, which are an essential part of our cultural identity.

We celebrate this day in memory of the Language Movement martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the recognition of their mother tongue, Bangla, as an official language. Their struggle was not just for Bangla but for all mother languages around the world.

The theme for this year’s International Mother Language Day is “Linguistic Diversity for Sustainable Development”, which highlights the importance of linguistic diversity for the social, economic, and cultural development of nations.

As we celebrate this day, let us also remember the importance of multilingualism and the need to encourage people to use and preserve their mother languages. Let us work together to ensure that all languages are given the respect and recognition they deserve.

Thank you.

Long International Mother Language Day Speech

Along with the short speech we have also provided a long International Mother Language Day speech in this article. Check out the speech now.

Dear distinguished guests, colleagues, and friends,

I am honored to stand before you on this significant occasion of International Mother Language Day, a day dedicated to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as to commemorate the sacrifices of language martyrs.

As we gather here today, we acknowledge the critical role that mother languages play in shaping our identities, building bridges between communities, and fostering mutual understanding and respect. Language is more than just a means of communication; it is a tool for self-expression, a carrier of cultural heritage, and a powerful instrument for social and economic development.

Unfortunately, many mother tongues around the world are facing a severe threat of extinction, as a result of globalization, urbanization, and language policies that prioritize dominant languages at the expense of minority ones. This loss of linguistic diversity is not only a cultural tragedy but also a threat to sustainable development and social cohesion.

It is our collective responsibility to preserve and promote linguistic diversity, and to ensure that every individual has the right to use and develop their mother language. We must recognize the importance of multilingual education, which enables children to learn in their mother tongue while acquiring proficiency in other languages, and empowers them to become active participants in their communities and the globalized world.

Moreover, we must celebrate the linguistic diversity that exists in our communities and learn from each other’s languages and cultures. By valuing and respecting the linguistic and cultural diversity around us, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious society.

On this International Mother Language Day, let us renew our commitment to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity, and to safeguarding the richness and beauty of the world’s mother tongues. Let us stand in solidarity with language communities around the world and honor the sacrifices of those who fought and died for their right to speak their mother language.

Thank you.

FAQs on International Mother Language Day Speech

Q.1 What is International Mother Language Day?
Ans.1 International Mother Language Day is a United Nations observance held annually on February 21 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

Q.2 Why is International Mother Language Day important?
Ans.2 International Mother Language Day is important because it recognizes the importance of preserving and promoting linguistic and cultural diversity. It also helps raise awareness of the importance of multilingualism and encourages the protection of endangered languages.

Q.3 Who celebrates International Mother Language Day?
Ans.3 International Mother Language Day is celebrated around the world, with various events and activities organized by governments, NGOs, and individuals.

Q.4 What can I do to celebrate International Mother Language Day?
Ans.4 There are many ways to celebrate International Mother Language Day, including learning a new language, sharing stories and songs in your mother tongue, attending cultural events, or supporting efforts to preserve endangered languages.

Q.5 What is the theme for International Mother Language Day 2023?
Ans.5 The theme for International Mother Language Day 2023 is “multilingual education – a necessity to transform education.”