BPSC AE Civil Syllabus 2022: Get to know the Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern Here!



BPSC AE Civil Syllabus: The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) conducts a recruitment drive for the post of Assistant Engineer (AE) in the field of Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical under the Urban Development & Housing Department Bihar. The recruitment drive requires the candidates to clear the selection process that comprises a single-stage examination. However, due to stiff competition, it is important that the candidates have a thorough preparation strategy. So, the first stage in formulating an effective preparation strategy is to know the exam pattern and syllabus. Hence we have compiled this article on the BPSC AE Civil Syllabus Exam Pattern.

We have specified the detailed BPSC AE Civil Syllabus and Exam pattern for your ready reference! So go ahead and give it a read!

BPSC AE Civil Syllabus 2022

Candidates must note that the BPSC AE written examination consists of 6 papers. Out of the 6 papers, the compulsory papers will be General Studies, General English, General Hindi, and General Engineering, which are common to all the aspirants. However, The 5th and 6th papers are the fundamental subjects of the concerned stream.

Bihar Public Service Commission website

BPSC AE Civil Syllabus: Optional Papers

The optional papers are Paper 5 and Paper 6 being specific to the stream that the candidate has chosen. Below is the BPSC AE Civil Syllabus.

Civil engineering Syllabus- Paper 5

Structural Analysis 

  • Structure:- Determination and stability, internal and external forces, special positional reinforcement and inelastic beam structure, frames, and arches, structure theory, method of reinforcement and flexibility, matrix method, determination of elastic stability of pillars, and analysis of impact lines for non-conforming structures and Robust analysis of dam and silt.
  • Structural Design (a) RCC beams, sills, pillars, shear and diagonal tension, Concrete techniques: Climbing and marginal load design, Study of vertical and seismic forces in building structure design. (b) Steel structure tension, compression and flexural components, roof scissor plate girder, bracket connection. (c) Pre-reinforced concrete structure and its essentials
  • Soil Mechanics and Foundations Engineering, Earthquake force, and its determination Formation and classification of rocks, Nature and texture of the soil, Properties and behavior, Generation and compaction, Compaction, Shear force, Stability of slopes, Soil stress, Carrying capacity, Coating, Earth pressure, Retention, shallow and deep foundations including diaar seat piles, afoot and well foundations, machine foundations, diffusion of soils.

Civil engineering Syllabus- Paper 6

  • Hydrology and Water Resources- General run-off estimation, use of hydrogram, empirical formula, potential hydrological analysis, management of surface water and groundwater, principles of irrigation engineering, water requirement for crops- General.
    • Description of irrigation works, flooding, damage and control, the behavior of river drainage, surface, and underground drainage, channel design, and general principles of hydropower engineering.
  • Water system flow description- the principle of energy and momentum homogeneous, sequential traversal changed flow, components of river flow, sediment transport.
  • Design of Fluid-Structure:- Design of Exterior, Weir, Barrage, Canal and Canal Structure and Pulse, Cross Drainage Works, Cross Regulator, Head Regulator, Head Regulator, and Canal Drain, Design of Turk and Hydroelectric Power Equipment.
  • Transportation Engineering Geometrical design of highways, components of traffic engineering, high side materials, maintenance of high roads.
  • Components of bridge engineering, IRC classification, weights, and its behavior in the overhead structure design.
  • Public health engineering
  • Water supply- population forecast, types of pipes used for water supply, construction of tube well and dug well, design of the slow sand filter and rapid gravity filter, design of the underground and upper tank, details of water supply dam construction.
  • Drainage and Sanitation – Surface drainage storms, Drainage, and sewage – Design of double-cleaning filters Design of septic tank, Design of Imhoff tank, details of healthy plants.

BPSC AE Civil Syllabus: Compulsory Papers

The compulsory papers are General Studies, General English, General Hindi, and General Engineering Science. Below is the BPSC AE Syllabus for the compulsory subjects – 

General Studies

  • Polity
  • Economy
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Botany
  • Zoology
  • Current Affairs
  • Static GK
  • Awards & Honours
  • Currencies & Capitals
  • Geography

General English

  • Error Detection
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Jumbled Sentence
  • Sentence Rearrangement
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Cloze Test
  • Sentence Improvement
  • One Word Substitution

General Hindi

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Hindi Grammar

General Engineering Science

  • Engineering Mechanics – General Equilibrium-Equation Experiments, Motion-Equation Functions, Power, Energy.
  • Survey and Measurement – Distance and Area Measurement, Direction Measurement and Angular Measurement of Slope, Levitation and Height, General Survey Equipment, Electrical Workshop Measurements like Ammeter, Volt Meter, Chargemeter, Insulation Tester, Energy Meter and their working principle, Mechanical Workshop Measuring instruments, linear and angular measurements, straight, plane and roundness measurements. 
    • Structure of solids – Generalized pressure and its relation, making laws, the transformation of pressure, pressure energy, analysis of beams, columns, and shafts, unbalanced orientations at the center, principles of decay.
  • Engineering materials and their manufacture – Bricks lime, Cement, Shrapnel, Dalwa iron and steel, Non-ferrous metals Timber paints and miscellaneous engineering materials, Testing of engineering materials, Considerations for construction of brick floors and walls.
  • Transport Phenomenon – Linear and Regular Conduction of Transport, Boundary Level Continuous Equations, Warnowati’s Principle, Energy Equations, Steam of Transport Conduction, Dimensional Analysis, and Gadling, One Dimensional Study, Natural Movement of Heat through Single and Multilayered Materials including Walls and Cylinders and induced convective heat transfer, the concept of thermal boundary level, Accutane-Boltmann’s theory of radiation, Kirchhoff’s law, the concept of black and gray matter.
    • The energy conversion process of thermodynamics, first and second impulses and reactions of thermodynamics, water turbine-Belton peel and centrifugal pump. 
  • Elementary Engineering – Electric Circuits, Circuit Laws and Principles of Superposition Meaning of Sound Series and Parallel Connections, Resistance and Capacitance, Junction Transistor, Junction Diode, Equivalent Circuit, Common Emitter Electric Circuit, Magnetic Effect of Electric Current, Transformer, Circuit Elements In the form of Transformer, Transfer of electromagnetic energy, Function of DC Motor and Generator, Function of AC Motor and Generator. 
  • Environmental Engineering Water pollution and purification, sewage treatment, air pollution, and its control, ecological balance.

 BPSC AE Exam Pattern 2022

Knowing the exam pattern is equally important in order to curate an effective study plan. Hence we provide the BPSC AE Exam pattern for your reference in the table below – 

General English100 Marks1 Hour
General Hindi100 Marks1 Hour
General Studies100 Marks1 Hour
General Engineering Science100 Marks1 Hour
Concerned/Optional Paper I100 Marks1 Hour
Concerned/Optional Paper I100 Marks1 Hour

We hope that the candidates found this article on BPSC AE Civil Syllabus informative and helpful. We wish you all the luck with your exams!

You can refer to the following links to learn more about the other competitive exams!

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BPSC AE Civil Syllabus FAQs

What is the BPSC AE civil syllabus?

The BPSC AE Civil stream options papers being Paper 5 and 6 include Structural Analysis, Hydrology, and Water Resources, Water system flow description, Design of Fluid-Structure, and Public health engineering.

What are the minimum qualifying marks for the BPSC AE written test?

The minimum qualifying marks are 40%  for the BSC AE written test.

What is the nature of the BPSC AE examination?

All the papers will have objective-type questions.

How many options papers there are the BPSC AE Civil?

There are two optional papers for the civil stream.

What is the time duration for the written test?

Each of the 6 papers is given 1 hour each.