AMRITPEX 2023 Nature and Wildlife Quiz – Check Correct Answers here!
AMRITPEX 2023 Nature and Wildlife Quiz: From February 11 to February 15, 2023, a national philately exhibition called AMRITPEX-2023 will be held in celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. The exhibit will depict India’s history, culture, art, and heritage throughout the years through stamps and photographic collections.
As a reward, you will receive a Philately Presentation Pack and an E-Certificate.
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AMRITPEX 2023 Nature and Wildlife Quiz – Terms and Conditions
Following are the terms and conditions:
- The quiz is limited to one attempt per individual.
- To be eligible for any prizes or rewards, you must update your name, email, phone number, and postal address on the MyGov portal.
- By providing your contact details, you consent to their use for future communications.
- The quiz organisers reserve the right to reject any participation that uses unfair, shady, or improper methods, such as impersonation, multiple entries, or other means, at their discretion.
- Employees of the quiz organisation or their immediate family members are not allowed to participate.
AMRITPEX 2023 Nature and Wildlife Quiz
Q1. In which State and in which year the first Marine National Park was established in 1982. / 1982 में किस राज्य में और किस वर्ष पहला समुद्री राष्ट्रीय उद्यान स्थापित किया गया था?
- Gujarat / गुजरात
- Maharashtra / महाराष्ट्र
- Odisha / ओडिशा
- Kerala / केरल
Answer- Gujarat / गुजरात
Q2. Periyar National Park is located in __________State and was established in 1982. / पेरियार राष्ट्रीय उद्यान __________ राज्य में स्थित है, जिसकी स्थापना 1982 में की गई थी।
- Kerala / केरल
- Pondicherry / पुदुच्चेरी
- Tamil Nadu / तमिलनाडु
- Karnataka / कर्नाटक
Answer- Kerala / केरल
Q3. When wildlife protection act introduced? / वन्यजीव संरक्षण अधिनियम कब लागू किया गया?
- 1993
- 1972
- 1960
- 2002
Answer- 1972
Q4. India released the first perfume postage stamp with……………….fragrance in 2006. / भारत ने 2006 में ………………. सुगंध का पहला इत्र डाक-टिकट जारी किया था।
- Coffee and Jasmine / कॉफी और चमेली
- Lily and Rose / लिली और गुलाब
- Sandalwood and Jasmine / चंदन और चमेली
- Rose and Coffee / गुलाब और कॉफी
Answer- Sandalwood and Jasmine / चंदन और चमेली
Q5. Kaziranga National Park is famous for which animal? / काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान किस जानवर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है?
- Leopard / तेंदुआ
- Tiger चीता
- Rhinoceros गैंडा
- Birds पक्षी
Answer- Rhinoceros गैंडा