Check out the World Food Day Speech here: Short & Long

Mahima Chaudhary | Updated: Oct 7, 2022 23:41 IST

World Food Day is a global action dedicated to combating global hunger. This Day is a yearly celebration held on October 16. People from all over the world join forces to end global hunger. The primary goal is to eradicate chronic food insecurity and achieve zero hunger globally. World Food Day is observed around the world to honour our commitment to ending hunger. The World Food Day Speech provided below will assist you in developing paragraphs, essays, and speeches about World Food Day.

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Continue reading this article to get a sample 10-line World Food Day speech, a short World Food Day speech, and a long World Food Day speech.

10 Lines Speech on World Food Day

Check out the following 10 lines about the World Food Day Speech for students:

Hello everyone! My name is _____. I am here to deliver a speech on World Food Day.

  1. World Food Day is an annual global awareness campaign held on October 16.
  2. World Food Day is a platform for raising awareness of global hunger and mobilising people around the world.
  3. On World Food Day, steps are taken to publish ideas, take action, and raise awareness in order for people to become involved in the change.
  4. Various other organisations concerned with food security observe this day.
  5. It also emphasises that, in addition to hunger, another underlying issue is obesity and being overweight.
  6. World Food Day was established in November 1979 by member countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization.
  7. The theme of World Food Day 2022 is “leave no one behind” a call for sustainable and healthy diets.
  8. World Food Day promotes proper nutrition in childhood and leads to a 46 per cent increase in lifetime earnings.
  9. In India, World Food Day commemorates the founding date of the FAO of the United Nations, which occurred in 1945.
  10. Word Food Day establishes a role in which we, along with the government, continue to be accountable for improving the food system and our health.

Short World Food Day Speech

Use the short speech provided below to help you write a World Food Day Speech. This World Food Day speech in English will give you a clue about how to write your own short speech on World Food Day.

Hello everyone! My name is _____. I am here to deliver a speech on World Food Day.

Every year on October 16, the world celebrates World Food Day to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This day is dedicated to addressing global hunger and working to eradicate hunger worldwide.

Every year, we observe World Food Day honour the incredible food we consume while also addressing global hunger. This day is observed on October 16, the anniversary of the establishment of the FAO in 1945.

Dr Pal Romany, former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food, proposed World Food Day in November 1979. It is observed in more than 150 countries worldwide. This year’s World Food Day 2022 theme is “leave no one behind.”

World Food Day commemorates the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization. It also highlights a specific section of the world that suffers from extreme hunger.

World Food Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the global hunger crisis and to spread the message that food is a fundamental and basic human right. On this day, various awareness campaigns are also held to educate people about malnutrition and obesity, both of which cause serious health complications.

Thank you

You can modify the above-mentioned speech on World Food Day for students to suit your needs and prepare your own short World Food Day speech.

Long World Food Day Speech

Use the long speech on World Food Day in English provided below to help you write a World Food Day Speech.

Hello everyone! My name is _____. I am here to deliver a speech on World Food Day.

Food brings people together in a wide range of situations, from family reunions to first dates. Everyone has a favourite food, which can range from pizza to pasta, cookies to cakes, and everything in between! Today, there are so many amazing dishes and ingredients to try, and World Food Day celebrates them all.

World Food Day is about more than just celebrating the amazing food that people have the luxury of enjoying; it is also about raising awareness for those who do not have this luxury. People all over the world are hungry. Starvation is a major issue in many countries, and we must do more to raise awareness and combat it.

World Food Day can also be used to raise awareness about healthy eating habits and what our bodies require. Education about healthy diets and which foods are healthy or unhealthy has grown in recent years, but we are still not there! World Food Day provides an excellent opportunity to increase education and awareness in this area.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a United Nations specialised agency, established World Food Day in 1945. However, it would take another 34 years until it was declared a world holiday at the 20th FAO conference in November 1979. Following this, 150 countries celebrated the day after it was officially recognised by the United Nations. Since 2014, the day’s popularity has been used to promote the concept of feeding the world and eradicating poverty in rural nations.

The main principle that World Food Day celebrates is the advancement of food security around the world, particularly in times of crisis. The UN’s establishment of the Food and Agriculture Organization has played a significant role in moving this worthy goal forward. Its annual celebration serves as a reminder of the organization’s significance and raises awareness of the critical need for successful agriculture policies to be implemented by governments all over the world to ensure there is enough food for everyone.

World Food Day has used its annual day of celebration in recent years to highlight various aspects of food security and agriculture, such as fishing communities, climate change, and biodiversity.

Over the years, World Food Day has been associated with a variety of different themes. Previous themes have included: The climate is shifting. Food and agriculture must work together to break the cycle of rural poverty and feed the world while caring for the environment.

This day is now observed by many different organisations around the world, including the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme. Many businesses participate as well. World Food Day serves as a reminder that gathering with friends and family around a well-set table is a privilege that not everyone has, but that everyone should have.

There are numerous ways to participate in World Food Day! Make a donation to a food bank or charity, visit a farm or food producer, or attend a World Food Day event to commemorate the occasion.

Thank You

You can modify the above-mentioned student speech on World Food Day to prepare your long World Food Day speech as needed.

Hope you found this article on speech writing on World Food Day speech helpful. Take help from the speech on World Food Day samples and curate your best speech for the day.

World Food Day Speech FAQs

What exactly is World Food Day, and when is it observed?

World Food Day is a global action dedicated to combating the grip of global hunger that is observed annually on October 16 around the world.

When and by whom was World Food Day established?

World Food Day was established in November 1979 as a global platform for the abolition of global hunger. The Food and Agriculture Organization and its member countries established World Food Day.

What is the primary goal of World Food Day?

The primary goal of World Food Day is to promote nutritious diets and food security around the world, as well as to raise awareness of global hunger and the global movement.

What activities are being planned to commemorate World Food Day?

Hunger marches, marathons, cultural performances, exhibitions, concerts, and contests are organized on World Food Day to raise awareness of food insecurity.

What will be the theme of World Food Day in 2022?

“Leave no one behind” is the theme of World Food Day 2022.

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