Quit India Movement Day 2022

Aka the August Movement or August Kranti. Review its history and significance.

Dashed Trail

It was initiated on August 8, 1942, by Mahatma Gandhi. KnowIndia mentions August 1942 as the Quit India Movement month/year.

Dashed Trail

Slogan for the movement: "Bharat Chodo" or "Quit India. Mahatma Gandhi's famous slogan was "Do or Die.”

The Movement's Outcome

Following the announcement of the Quit India movement, the INC was banned, and all major leaders, including Gandhi, Nehru, and Patel, were arrested, along with approximately 100,000 people.

Dashed Trail


Despite the oppressors, people continue to fight for their rights in order to obtain complete freedom from the British. This movement improved public morale and fueled anti-British sentiment.