National Legal Service Day 2022

9th November 2022

Every year on November 9, the country observes National Legal Services Day.

The goal of the Day is to raise public awareness of the various sections of the Legal Services Authorities Act, as well as litigants' rights.

NALSA was established in accordance with the Legal Services Authorities Act of 1987.

NALSA was founded to organise Lok Adalats for peaceful dispute resolution and to provide free legal services to the less fortunate members of society.

In 1995, the Supreme Court of India established the National League for Social Development (NLSD) to assist and promote the weaker and poorer segments of society.

Free legal services are provided in cases before Civil, Criminal, and Revenue Courts, Tribunals, or any other entity exercising judicial or quasi-judicial duties.

It is done to educate the public about the numerous provisions of the Legal Services Authorities Act as well as the litigants' rights.

On this day, every jurisdiction organises legal aid programmes, Lok adalats, and legal aid camps.