Mahima Chaudhary | Updated: Jan 10, 2023 14:01 IST
Swatantrata Andolan Quiz Answers: The quiz’s goal is to raise public awareness of India’s liberation movement by disseminating information, facts, and little-known stories about freedom fighters, with a focus on the Kakori Divas. To disseminate information about freedom fighters and their fight for national liberation as part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
As part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, raise awareness of the unsung freedom fighters.
The target audience will be young people, students, and state residents. Participating in this online activity will help to build a scholarly society comprised of children, students, and all citizens of the state.
First prize: 11,000 INR.
Second Prize: 5000 INR
Third prize: 2000 INR
Each of the seven consolation prizes is worth 1000 INR.
The winners will be chosen based on their correct responses to the questions. If there are more winners than needed in a category, Draw will be used to make additional selections.
RELATED: MyGov Swaraj Quiz Answers
Check the Swatantrata Andolan Quiz Answers below:
Q1. काकोरी ट्रेन एक्शन में शामिल क्रांतिकारियों में किन्हें मौत की सजा मिली?/Which revolutionaries were sentenced to death in the case related to the Kakori train incident?
Answer – रामप्रसाद बिस्मिल, अशफाक उल्लाह खां, ठाकुर रोशन सिंह और राजेंद्र नाथ लाहिड़ी/Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Thakur Roshan Singh and Rajendra Nath Lahiri
Q2. बेगम हजरत महल कौन थीं और क्यों प्रसिद्ध हुईं ?/
Who was Begum Hazrat Mahal and what is she known for?
Answer- वाजिद अली शाह की पत्नी, 1857 विद्रोह की अग्रणी क्रांतिकारी/ Wife of Wajid Ali Shah, leading revolutionary of the 1857
Q3. झांसी की रानी का बचपन का क्या नाम था ?/ What was the childhood name of the Queen of Jhansi?
Answer- मनु/Manu
Q4. अंग्रेजों के शासनकाल में भारत के ‘आर्थिक दोहन’ के सिधांत को किसने प्रतिपादित किया?/ Who wrote the theory of the drain of wealth from India under the British Raj?
Answer- दादाभाई नौरोजी/ Dadabhai Naoroji
Q5. काकोरी ट्रेन एक्शन की घटना किस तिथि को हुई?/On which date did the Kakori train incident take place?
Answer- 09 अगस्त 1925/09 August 1925
Q6. काकोरी ट्रेन एक्शन में मेरठ के किस क्रांतिकारी का नाम आया था ?/ Which revolutionary from Meerut was named as accused in Kakori Train Incident?
Q7. गांधीजी की दृष्टि में अहिंसा का अर्थ है-/ In Gandhi Ji’s view, Non-violence meant:
Q8. प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम किसे कहते हैं ?/
Which is known as the first movement for Independence?
Answer- 1857 की क्रांति को/ Revolt of 1857
Q9. काकोरी ट्रेन एक्शन के क्रांतिकारियों के विरुद्ध मुकदमा किस तिथि को शुरू किया गया?/ Legal proceedings against the revolutionaries responsible for the Kakori train incident started on which date?
Answer- 21 मई 1926 / 21 May 1926
Q10. नाना साहब का असली नाम और स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में योगदान ?/ What is the real name of Nana Saheb and what was his contribution to the independence movement?
Answer- धोंडू पंत, प्रथम स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में कानपुर का नेतृत्व/ Dhondu Pant, lead the revolt of 1857 in Kanpur