National Pollution Control Day Speech in English- get Short and Long Speech.

Sachita Kumari | Updated: Nov 25, 2022 1:12 IST

Speech On National Pollution Control Day: In India, National Pollution Control Day is held annually on December 2. The day is also recognised as National Pollution Prevention Day with the goal of raising awareness about strategies to manage and prevent industrial disasters in order to safeguard Mother Nature. In honor of the victims of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in 1984, a national pollution control day is held. In order to protect the environment and reduce pollution, it is now essential to abide by the rules and laws.

A speech delivered on such a significant day is given special consideration. Any student giving such a speech should make sure to begin with the introduction before moving on to points that will remain with the audience. Speeches of any length are possible. It should continue to be as interesting as it can be for both instructors and other students.

Continue reading to check formats of Short and Long Speech on national pollution control day  so you may create your own speech!

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Short speech on National Pollution Control Day

Use the concise speech provided below to assist you in composing an English speech on National Pollution Control Day. You can learn how to write your own short National Pollution Control Day in English by reading this National Pollution Control Day speech in English.

A warm good morning to all of you in this room! My name is ____, and I’m here to share with you my thoughts on “National pollution control day .”

On December 2, 2022, National Pollution Control Day will be held in order to raise public awareness of the need to prevent pollution brought on by carelessness. By raising knowledge of pollution prevention techniques, we can slow the rate of pollution growth and improve the quality of life for all living things on our planet. This includes air, water, and environmental contamination. The day is recognised for paying respect to those who lost their lives in the Bhopal gas tragedy. The Bhopal gas tragedy, which occurred between December 2 and 3, 1984, claimed numerous lives as a result of the leak of the lethal chemical methyl isocyanate, or MIC.

The main goals are to inform people about the significance of pollution control laws and industrial disasters. It also emphasizes how harmful pollution is to the environment and to human health.

Every year, organizers of the National Pollution Control board suggest a new theme to be highlighted. Previous year the theme of the national pollution control day 2021 is to increase public awareness of pollution and persuade policymakers to change their practices to lessen its effects. The theme for National Pollution day 2022 is not decided by the respective boards yet. All living things are adversely affected by pollution, which is extremely dangerous. The degradation of soil quality and the extinction of marine life are both caused by pollution brought on by the use of plastic. A small modification in our daily routines to reduce pollution can have a big impact on the health of the planet on which we live.

I would like to conclude that To stop industrial pollution brought on by human carelessness, we must educate people on how to manage and control disasters in the industrial sector.

Thank you!

Long Speech on National Pollution Control day in English

Use the long National Pollution Control Day speech in English that is provided below to assist you in writing your own speech.

A very good morning to everyone! I’m ______ , standing in front of you to discuss my points on ‘National Pollution Control Day’.

According to data from India’s National Health Portal, air pollution is responsible for approximately 7 million deaths annually. Nine out of ten people worldwide do not have access to clean, safe air, according to the research. Then the National pollution control day came into existence to raise awareness about the importance of pollution control regulations and the negative repercussions of pollution. As a result of numerous forms of pollution, natural resources such as water, air, land, and forest are fast deteriorating. It is now vital to obey the laws and regulations in order to protect the environment and reduce pollution.

National Pollution Control Day will be commemorated on December 2, 2022, to raise public awareness of the importance of preventing pollution caused by carelessness. We can limit the rate of pollution increase and improve the quality of life for all living species on our planet by increasing awareness about pollution prevention measures. This day is also celebrated for remembering those who died in the Bhopal gas catastrophe. The Bhopal gas tragedy occurred on the intervening evenings of December 2-3, 1984, in which many people perished as a result of the discharge of the lethal gas Methyl Isocyanate, or MIC.

The Bhopal Gas Tragedy is largely recognised as one of history’s biggest industrial environmental disasters. The history of Pollution Control Day aims to educate people about the gas leak at the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide facility in Madhya Pradesh, which resulted in the deaths of over 3700 people. More than 5 lakh people were exposed to lethal methyl isocyanate gas emissions and had to live with the consequences of the poisonous gas.This year marks the 38th anniversary of this catastrophe in India.

The goal of the day is to raise awareness about managing and controlling industrial disasters, preventing pollution caused by industrial processes or human negligence, and educating people and industries about the need of pollution control measures.

Every year, the National Pollution Control Board proposes a new theme to be highlighted. The theme of the national pollution control day 2021 was announced last year: to raise public awareness of pollution and convince policymakers to adjust their policies to mitigate its consequences. The theme for National Pollution Day 2022 has yet to be determined by the relevant boards. Pollution has a negative impact on all living things, which is exceedingly harmful. Pollution induced by the usage of plastic causes both the degradation of soil quality and the extinction of marine life. A simple change in our daily routines to reduce pollution can have a significant influence on the health of the planet we live on.

“CLEAR AMBITION, REDUCE POLLUTION” with this slogan i would like to conclude my speech that It is also essential to educate people about pollution in order to create a better or cleaner environment.

Thank you, Have a nice day!

National Pollution Control Day FAQs

What is National Pollution Control day ?

National Pollution Control Day is a day set aside to raise public awareness about environmental pollution and its harmful consequences.

When is National Pollution Control day celebrated?

National Pollution Control Day is held annually on December 2

What is the theme of National Pollution Control day in 2022?

The theme for National Pollution Day 2022 has yet to be determined by the relevant boards.

What is the significance of National Pollution Control day?

The purpose of the day is to control the industrial disaster and lower pollution levels.

Why is the National Pollution Control day celebrated?

The day is celebrated for paying respect to those who lost their lives in the Bhopal gas tragedy.

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